Stephanie Wong from Des Voeux Chambers was invited to deliver a lunchtime seminar on the topic of “E-Commerce Platforms, Jurisdiction & Joint Tortfeasorship” for the Hong Kong Institute of Trade Mark Practitioners (HKITMP) on 31 October 2023. The seminar was attended by a large group of professional intellectual property solicitors and practitioners. This was the second time Stephanie was invited to speak at the HKITMP’s lunchtime seminar event.
Stephanie presented on recent cases touching upon e-commerce platforms and joint tortfeasorship issues. She also explored controversies surrounding jurisdictional issues involving the sale of infringing articles to Hong Kong customers on the Internet by overseas entities, as well as the interpretation of “issuing copies to the public” under the Copyright Ordinance. The audience joined in an intellectually rigorous discussion on the controversies towards the end of the seminar.