Des Voeux Chambers was honoured to be one of the sponsors of the 4th International Advocacy Training Council (IATC) Conference held in Hong Kong last week. Titled “Advocacy in Arbitration: Bridging Borders, Enhancing the Rule of Law”, the Conference was attended by over 100 advocacy trainers and legal professionals from around the world. Winnie Tam SC, William Wong SC, and Jose-Antonio Maurellet SC of DVC were invited to join respective panel discussions alongside other distinguished members of the profession.
William Wong SC shared war stories on cross-border arbitration. Jose-Antonio Maurellet SC chaired the session on how to effectively handle witnesses in an arbitration. Winnie Tam SC shared tips for advocates from the arbitral tribunal’s point of view.
The International Advocacy Training Council Ltd (IATC) is a charitable organization registered in Hong Kong that promotes the rule of law and high standards of advocacy worldwide. The organization provides advocacy training or similar activities in affiliation with bar associations or councils around the world on a non-profit basis.
Photo credit: The International Advocacy Training Council Ltd (IATC)